Due to the heavy, wet spring snowfall, employees who are reporting to a campus to perform essential, in-person duties and students still living on campus are advised not to park under trees along streets or in parking lots. Do not to walk under trees; limbs are loaded with snow and may break.
Oval Drive is closed to vehicle traffic, and the Oval is closed to foot traffic; do not drive, walk or bike inside the Oval.
Facilities Management is clearing snow from sidewalk and street routes, including near residence halls where students are living and around buildings that house essential functions.
Please be cautious while traveling to and around any university campus.
Fort Collins Police Services is investigating two off-campus trespassing incidents that occurred between 10:30 and 10: 50 p.m. last night (Monday, April 13).
Residents in the 600 block of South Washington Street reported an unknown male looking into the window of their home at 10:30 p.m. Residents described the suspect as a white male with blonde hair, 18-22 years old, approximately 5’8 and 170 lbs. Another trespassing incident involving an unidentified male looking into a window was also reported last night on the 200 block of Garfield St. Residents reported that it occurred at about 10:50 p.m. A suspect description related to this report is of a male in dark pants on a white bike, who rode east when confronted. It’s unknown if the incidents are connected.
Anyone with information about these incidents or suspects should contact FCPS Officer Shane Cundall at 970-416-2526.
Resources at CSU:
- Colorado State University Victim Advocates are available to provide confidential crisis intervention and emotional support to CSU students, staff and faculty through the Women and Gender Advocacy Center. Advocates provide information about academic, legal, medical, emotional, and student conduct resources to survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking. They also offer support to secondary survivors, such as intimate partners, friends, family, and you. Services at the WGAC are free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 970-492-4242 and ask to speak with an advocate. These services continue to be available, even while university operations are virtual and online.
- CSU Health Network provides confidential medical and emotional support services to students or provide referrals to services in other states, if students are studying remotely.
Safety tips for on or off campus:
- Report to police anyone who is behaving suspiciously by calling or texting 911 from campus to reach CSUPD, or 911 off campus to reach Fort Collins Police Services. Report concerns immediately, so police can follow up while the person who is behaving suspiciously may still be in the area.
- 法雷奥: 0xdbeEc1cF1CCb221e3ad8f20211A... - 币安官方中文 ...:2021-5-26 · 0xdbeEc1cF1CCb221e3ad8f20211A2bB6ce5d58DF2 - 法雷奥 sagte in gruppe 币安官方中文群 beim Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2021 05:23 Anonymouse trat der Gruppe bei
- Residence halls and many apartment buildings have multiple levels of security; do not allow anyone to “tailgate” into a residence hall or apartment building behind you after using your keycard or key to get entrance into a building or floor.
March 31: Police issue warning about scams, police impersonators pulling over vehicles under guise of enforcing stay-at-home orders (Spanish version)
March 22: First confirmed case of COVID-19 associated with CSU
March 15: Colorado Department of Health and Environment COVID-19 ALERT re Eagle, Summit, Pitkin and Gunnison Counties
Elasticsearch写入数据内存飙升 - Elastic 中文社区:2021-6-2 · Elasticsearch写入数据内存飙升 - Elasticsearch写入数据时内存飙升,jvm老年伋不会gc,但当堆内存占用75%伍上时,老年伋gc,然后堆内存直接变成es刚启动时的状态,请问下这是什么原因啊,在写入数据时,无其他操作es。 Elasticsearch版本:7.4
CSUPD received a report of a window peeping incident in Summit Hall. A female reported a man looking into her window at about 10 p.m. last night (Saturday, Feb. 15).
When she saw him, he showed her his phone, which displayed adult pornography, and he yelled and made sexually suggestive gestures at her.
The suspect is described as a middle-aged man, darker completion, race unknown, with a beard, wearing a flat-brim baseball cap. Police were unable to locate a suspect in the area.
Anyone with information is encouraged to call CSUPD at 970-491-6425. Anyone who sees suspicious activity outside of their home, apartment or residence hall should call 911, as this victim did, immediately.
January 9, 2023 – Fort Collins Police Services press release regarding unlawful sexual behavior in off campus neighborhoods
Fort Collins Police are investigating a sexual assault and window peeping incidents off campus but includes neighborhoods where many students may live. This investigation is not on campus and we have no information at this time to indicate that any CSU community members have been potential victims.
Fort Collins Police are investigating a sexual assault and believe that there may have been incidents of window peeping connected to the case. Fort Collins Police detectives believe that additional incidents may have occurred over the course of the past year in Fort Collins, particularly in the area west of Shields Street between Mulberry Street and Drake Road. Fort Collins Police detectives are attempting to identify additional victims and ask that anyone who believes they may have been a victim or anyone who has any information related to the investigation to contact Fort Collins Police Services.
For more information, including the contact information for Fort Collins Police Services related to this investigation and a photo of the suspect, please see the Fort Collins Police Services press release at http://www.fcgov.com/news/?id=7651.
Resources at CSU:
- Colorado State University Victim Advocates are available to provide confidential crisis intervention and emotional support to CSU students, staff and faculty through the Women and Gender Advocacy Center. Advocates provide information about academic, legal, medical, emotional, and student conduct resources to survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking. They also offer support to secondary survivors, such as intimate partners, friends, family, and you. Services at the WGAC are free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 970-492-4242 and ask to speak with an advocate or drop in during business hours at 112 Student Services Building or 234 Lory Student Center.
- CSU Health Network provides confidential medical and emotional support services to students. Counseling Services: (970) 491-6053
Safety tips for on or off campus:
- Report to police anyone who is behaving suspiciously by calling 911 from campus to reach CSUPD, or 911 off campus to reach Fort Collins Police Services.
- Keep your residence hall, apartment or home doors and windows locked when you are away from home and at night. Keep your blinds or curtains drawn for privacy.
- Residence Halls and many apartment buildings have multiple levels of security; do not allow anyone to “tailgate” into a residence hall or apartment building behind you after using your keycard or key to get entrance into a building or floor.
CSU will be open tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 27, and all activities are on a normal schedule.
v2rayng节点订阅地址是什么意思? – V2ray节点:2021-4-14 · v2rayng节点订阅地址是什么意思? 节点和订阅的区别 节点是一个服务器,订阅是非常多服务器的集合。一个V2ray机场有很多的v2ray节点(服务器),一个一个把节点添加到客户端中是非常麻烦的,v2ray订阅url就是把非常多的节点,一次性导入到客户端
If you feel you cannot get to campus due to weather and road conditions, please treat this as you would any other personal emergency and contact your supervisor to discuss your situation.
CSU is closing and canceling all events on Tuesday, Nov. 26, in preparation for the current weather forecast of a significant, approaching storm. This decision also is based on information from other agencies, including the city and county.
CSU employees with emergency duties should coordinate with their supervisors or directors to determine their work status. Emergency employees include, but are not limited to, CSU Police, Facilities Management, Housing, Environmental Health Services, the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Diagnostic Laboratories.
Check www.psw0w5.wcbzw.com or source.colostate.edu for updates on the status of operations at the university. Information also will be available on local media outlets and CSU’s social media networks.
Thank you,
CSU Public Safety Team
Winter storm conditions, November 25
Lede Ssr Plus:2021-1-30 · Lede Ssr Plus
All CSU business and activities will continue as scheduled today, through this evening.
We ask supervisors to use good judgment in accommodating the needs of employees who may have a long commute, be worried about driving in deteriorating conditions, or who may be impacted by child care needs. Poudre and Thompson School Districts will remain open today through their regular class schedule, but have canceled after school activities, as well as classes and activities for tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 26.
If you feel you need to leave early due to weather and road conditions, please treat this as you would any other personal emergency and contact your instructors or supervisor to discuss your situation.
We are in close communication with the Fort Collins and Larimer County emergency management offices and road crews, CSU law enforcement, Poudre School District and Thompson School District, and the National Weather Service. We will remain in close communication tonight and during the early morning hours to determine university status for tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 26. A decision is typically made by 5:30 a.m. for the current business day.
For more information about how the university determines a weather closure and how we communicate about the university’s status, see http://source.colostate.edu/university-guidelines-weather-closure/.
币安官方中文群:2021-5-26 · 多军看看自己有没有被爆的
Update at 9 p.m.: Power has been fully restored to the building.
Post to Safety site Sept. 18, 11 a.m.
Scott Bioengineering Building is currently experiencing a power outage due to the failure of an electrical transformer. Facilities Management crews have responded and are working with electricians to get power restored to the building, which is expected to take at least 24 hours. At this time, emergency power and wi-fi are working on backup generator power. The building is open for all classes and activities. Classes will continue at the discretion of instructors.
Pitkin Street closed
Update, 12 a.m. Aug 27
Pitkin Street is open.
7 p.m. Aug 26, 2023
法雷奥: 0xdbeEc1cF1CCb221e3ad8f20211A... - 币安官方中文 ...:2021-5-26 · 0xdbeEc1cF1CCb221e3ad8f20211A2bB6ce5d58DF2 - 法雷奥 sagte in gruppe 币安官方中文群 beim Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2021 05:23 Anonymouse trat der Gruppe bei
v2rayn使用教程-百度经验:2021-1-30 · v2rayn使用教程,这里简单说说v2.ray的使用方法。双击任务栏的图标,可伍看到主界面,点击服务器,可伍通过图中的5种方法,添加节点,一般使用的是vmess协议的专用节点。
CSU police were notified this morning through Safe2Tell of a possible threat. There is no indication of a current, immediate threat directed specifically to CSU.
CSUPD is closely monitoring the situation and remains focused on campus safety.
Please stay vigilant. Report anyone acting suspiciously to police right away. If you have any safety concerns, call or text 9-1-1.
Keepers of the Food is Closed - Keepers of the Food ...:2021-5-26 · 西王集团有限公司始建于1986年,是一家伍玉米深加工和特钢为主业,投资涉及置业、酒水、物流、热电等多个行业领域的全国 ...
Message sent to university community, August 14
Randell Messina Photography - vpn连接:2021-5-6 · 中天控股集团有限公司(简称“中天控股”)是一家伍工程服务、地产置业与社区服务、全产业链支撑为三大主营业务格局的大型伋业集团,总部位于中国浙江省杭州市钱江新城。下辖中天建设集团有限公司、中天美好集团有限公司、中天西北建设投资集团有限公司、中天华南建设投资集团有限公司 ...
More information is available at http://source.colostate.edu/email-scams-sent-to-csu-addresses/.
Information about the university’s response to COVID-19can be found at this link.
Sign Up for Emergency Alerts
The CSU Emergency Text Alert System is used to send text alerts in the event of an emergency on the Colorado State University Fort Collins campus. The system is only used during an immediate, ongoing safety emergency or unexpected closing of the campus. Sign up now.
Report a Concern
- Emergencies: Call 9-1-1 immediately.
- Non-emergencies: Contact CSUPD Phone: (970) 491-6425
- vmess链接怎么使用 if you are concerned about a student or an employee’s mental health and safety.
Reported Bias Incidents
Sept 27: Racial slurs. Read more.
University communications during an emergency
The university uses various communications vehicles during an emergency, and to communicate about general safety advice. More information.